Prunes are dried plums, specifically from the Prunus domestica L. variety, a high-sugar plum native to Europe.
Prunes are available in various forms, including whole, prune juice, and prune puree.
Prunes are rich in antioxidants, which offer health benefits, and have been linked to improved bones health and weight management. Additionally, prunes are a good source of essential vitamins and minerals, making them a valuable, nutrient-dense addition to any diet!
Prunes can promote a healthy gut microbiome, which refers to the diverse community of microorganisms in your digestive system. The makeup of your gut microbiome can influence overall health. A study of 143 postmenopausal women found that those who consumed prunes daily showed an increase in beneficial bacteria from the Lachnospiraceae family.
Prunes are well-known for their ability to ease constipation. A study comparing prunes, kiwifruit, and psyllium found that both prunes and kiwifruit improved stool consistency and reduced straining. A review of several studies also concluded that prunes were more effective than psyllium in improving stool frequency and consistency, making them a natural remedy for promoting regular movements.
Consuming dried fruits like prunes is associated with a higher-quality diet. Prunes are rich in fiber and potassium, which are essential nutrients that contribute to a balanced diet. Research shows that individuals who consume at least a quarter-cup of dried fruit daily have better adherence to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, including a higher intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and plant proteins, and lower consumption of sodium and refined sugars.
Additionally, prunes contain a wide variety of phenolic compounds that have anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, which are linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Prunes may help protect bones health, especially for older people. Studies have shown that prunes can prevent bones loss, improve bones formation, and influence pathways that support bones strength. One study found that postmenopausal women who ate 50 grams of prunes daily for six months experienced a reduction in hip bones loss.
Prunes can aid in weight management by boosting feelings of fullness. A study comparing prunes to bread as a pre-meal snack found that participants who ate prunes consumed fewer calories in the following meal and reported less hunger. The high fiber content of prunes contributes to increased satiety, helping to curb overeating. Despite their sweetness, prunes do not cause spikes in blood sugar or insulin levels, making them a healthy snack option for those managing their weight.
Prunes may have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. In one study, men with high cholesterol who ate prunes daily experienced a greater reduction in LDL (bad) cholesterol compared to those who drank grape juice. Another study found that consuming prunes as a snack led to greater reductions in LDL cholesterol in overweight.
One-quarter cup of prunes provides:
1. Calories: 105
2. Sodium: 0.87 milligrams
3. Carbohydrates: 28 grams
4. Fiber: 3 grams
5. Added Sugar: 0 grams
6. Protein: 0.95 grams
7. Vitamin K: 26 micrograms (22% of the Daily Value)